Level 4 Oct - Dec 2017

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General Notes

How to practice without a partner - for leaders

How to practice without a partner - for followers


Tango Music - for practicing 

Here's a link to help you better understand tango music for dancing

Songs recommended for practicing...


By the orchestra of Carlos Di Sarli...



By the orchestra of Francisco Canaro...

By the orchestra of Edgardo Donato...



By the orchestra of Francisco Canaro...

By Tuba Tango...

By the orchestra of Ricardo Tanturi...

Link to 250 songs

The following link will download a fabulous collection of 250 of the most popular songs (tango, vals and milonga) played in milongas around the world! Focus for now only on the tangos. Also focus on instrumental songs as opposed to vocals as these are easier to find the beat. Di Sarli is one of the better orchestras to start with:


This link goes to a zip file (little less than a 1 GB file).


Week 6 Nov 27

Vals - Part 2 of 3 lessons

We continued to focus on musicality using your existing repertoire. Here's the improvisation with Petros:

Week 5 Nov 20

Vals - Part 1 of 3 lessons

Here are the moves we are working on - all moves we have covered in tango, and some in Milonga as well...

Week 4 Nov 13

Focus on dancing tango to very rhythmic music. We can take a similar approach to choice of moves as with dancing to milonga:

Avoid slow curvey moves and pauses - e.g. Paradas, wide Ochos.

Good songs to practice to are instrumentals by D'Arienzo, such as El Marne, El Internado,  El Irresistible, Jueves, La Catrera.

Week 3 Nov 6

Milonga - Part 3

Reviewed and linked the following moves:

This video of Sophia and Hosei taken earlier in the year demonstrates the use of C-Step and small steps (side and circular). It's possible to enjoy dancing milonga with very few steps - timing is everything!

Here's another improvisation that uses many of the moves taught over these past three lessons:

Week 2 Oct 30

Milonga - Part 2

We introduced the cuna (cradle.):

Week 1 Oct 23

Milonga - Part 1

Focused on dancing single and double time using the Square (a.k.a 6 Step Basic).

using single time ('Milonga Lisa'):

and double time (traspie):