Level 3 - 4 Mar - May 2018

The theme of this 7-week course is Vals and Milonga.

For Sophia's Spotify lists for Vals, Milonga and Tango go to 'sophiatangos' and look for the lists:

Week 6 Starting April 14

Milonga (Part 2 of 3) We focused mainly on the 6 and 8 step combination. See Week 5 video.  In that video spot the following moves, which are also well suited to milonga:

Weeks 5 Starting April 7 

Milonga (Part 1 of 3) We introduced a 6 and 8 step combination that works will with Milonga:

Week 4 starting April 30

In Week 4 guest teacher was Sergio Torres Pacheco. We took a break from Vals and Milonga so that Sergio could show us one of his favourite Sacada - Gancho combinations for tango:

Week 3 starting April 23

Vals - Part 3 of 3 lessons

Introduced a walking turn to the Right.

Here it is shown in single time but double time would also be possible in parts of the turn:

Week 2 starting April 16

Vals - Part 2 of 3 lessons

Introduced a simple 4 Step turn to the Left...

Week 1 Starting March 27

Vals - Part 1 of 3 lessons

Moves focused on:

Two improvisations using the above moves and Ocho Cortado

We will play more with Ocho Cortados in Week 2.


Remember no classes in the Weeks starting April 2 and 9 due to Easter and Pablito's Festival.

Music Notes

Songs used in the lesson (and good for practicing) were: