Level 3-4 May-Jul 2018

Tango Music - for practicing 


Check out Sophia's spotify lists:

Tango (Trad) Best for practicing musicality - walking to single, double and half time.

Tango (Neo) contemporary songs (good for practicing technique)

Vals (Trad)

Milonga (Trad)

Link to 250 songs

The following link will download a fabulous collection of 250 of the most popular songs (tango, vals and milonga) played in milongas around the world! Focus for now only on the tangos. Also focus on instrumental songs as opposed to vocals as these are easier to find the beat. Di Sarli is one of the better orchestras to start with:


This link goes to a zip file (little less than a 1 GB file). 

Here's a link to help you better understand tango music for dancing


Week 7: Starting July 9

1. Review of all previous boleos and combinations and looked at new entry points for these boleos.

2. Increased focus on the embrace - with reference to the 4 connection points (one on the open side of embrace, and three on the closed side. It was stressed that we need to be active and engaged and present in our embrace, actively connecting at each of the four points.

Week 6: Starting July 2

We reviewed and linked all Boleos  covered to date:

We refined Follower's technique for Boleos:

- No tension in free  leg

- Dissociation of hips and torso

- Bend base leg

- Free leg hip lower than Base leg hip

Week 5: Starting June 25

Introduction of Front Boleo from Sandwich:

Week 4: Starting June 18

Review, refinement and linking of Boleos and combinations from Weeks 1 - 3.

New combination shown was Parallel Cross - Front Boleo - Medialuna:

Thank you to Sam who assisted Sophia while Paul was away.

Week 3: Starting June 11

In Week 3 we played with front and back (grounded) Boleos from front and back Ochos:

Week 2: Starting June 4

The Boleo focused on in Week 2 was the front Boleo entered from Cross or Forward Cross step.

This was added to the Week 1 combination of Back Boleo from Back Ocho, Americana and Calesita. The Cross System Cross was entered from the Calesita.

Week 1: Starting May 28

One of the themes for this term is Boleos. The Boleo focused on in Week 1 was from Back Ocho to the Left. We played with a combination of this Boleo with Americana and Calesita: