First Tango in Paris

Post date: Sep 24, 2014 11:02:11 AM

 the view from my apartment in Montmartre

Danced at my first Parisian Milonga last night. 

I'm not sure if it was representative of how tango is danced in Paris. I suppose you can never generalise about dancing styles and levels in a city. At this particular milonga (which remains nameless due to my criticism) nearly all the men I danced with were not focusing on music or connection, just fancy moves. I really dislike that sort of dancing! I'd much prefer to dance with a man who has a simple repertoire but really embraces his partner and the music.

Fancy moves, eg volcadas, colgadas, leg  wraps and ganchos can be enjoyable and exciting but only if safe on the floor, done to the music and maintaining connection with one's partner. 

Like as in Berlin, the Parisians often dance many tandas with the same person. So if you don't know anyone at the milonga it is difficult to get an invitation. Fortunately I had a good friend from Paris at the milonga so no problem. But I can imagine it could be very difficult for out-of-towners who don't know anyone to get a dance. Quite different from the Sydney tango culture which is very welcoming to out-of-towners and also follows more the BA etiquette of one tanda per person and then change for new partner.

I have been told that at the milonga I will be visiting tonight 'Colectivo Tango' - the dancers are at a higher level... it won't be a hard act to follow!