Level 3 May - July 2017

Week 7: starting July 10

In Week 7 we explored how to do the same move to the very different rhythms of Vals, Milonga and Tango. In North Sydney we used Ocho Cortado and in Bondi we focused on the Six Step Basic (square)

Week 6: starting July 3

Milonga: Lesson 3 of 3

We introduced a basic combination in parallel system and experimented with different rhythmic interpretations. Bondi and North Sydney had different combinations. 

North Sydney's combination - with guest instructor Hosei:

Bondi's combination with guest instructor Derek Harris:

Week 5: Starting June 26

Milonga: Lesson 2 of 3

We continued to explore the dance of Milonga with the Six Step Basic move and walking with rebounds (rebotes).

Please note that classes on July 5 and 12 at Bondi will NOT be at the School of Arts as the hall is unavailable over school holidays. We have a choice of the Hugh Bamford Hall in North Bondi and hall at the Bondi Pavilion. Will confirm with you shortly which venue we will be at for those weeks.

Week 4: Starting June 19

Introduction to Milonga (dance) Lesson 1 of 3

Milonga has two meanings to tango dancers. A milonga is a tango dance party where tango dancers gather to dance with one another.  It is also one of the 3 primary rhythms that tango dancers dance to: Tango (4/4 time), Vals (3/4 time) and Milonga (2/4 time).

We use many of the same steps in milonga that we do in tango, but there are also many steps which fit particularly well to the milonga rhythm. 

In this lesson we focused primarily in being able to walk single and double time to the 2/4 rhythm using simple moves - such as the 6-Step Basic (C-step concluded with a back step).

We worked on the correct technique of rebound ('rebote'). Rebounds fit very well with the fast rhythm of milonga, and are used for double time steps.

6 Step Basic - single time:

6 Step Basic - with double time ('traspie'):

Home Play:

From Spotify:

Album: 'La Milonga de Buenos Aires' by Canaro. This includes 'Negrito' the song we focused on in Lesson 1. 

From Murat's 250:

Milonga Brava by Canaro 

El Lloron - by Canaro 

Milonga Sentimental - by Canaro

Week 3: Starting June 12

Introduction to Vals - Lesson 3 of  3

Improvised with Cross System Cross and Medialuna. Increased focus on fitting the moves to the music.

Weeks 1 and 2: May 29 - June 7

Introduction to Vals - Lessons 1 and 2 of 3

Explored 3/4 rhythm of Vals. Improvised with Cross System Cross combination. Cross System Cross works well with Vals.

The main song we have been using in these classes is 'Adios Juventud' by Francisco Canaro. I don't think this is in the 250 song download. You can find it on Spotify - it's in the album 'Roots of Tango' by Canaro. The album also has a good mix of slow paced tangos.